Tuesday, September 27, 2005

This is priceless.........

It's stuff like this that makes me worry for the next generation...From a comment made on andrewsullivan.com

Is a six-year old socialist somehow inherently more absurd than a six-year old Christian or a six-year old Muslim? We think nothing of ascribing religious beliefs to (or imposing religious beliefs on, if you prefer) our youngest children, or sending them to schools for -- again, depending on your perspective -- spiritual enlightenment or religious indoctrination. But a six-year old is no more able to make a free choice about his or her religious beliefs than about his or her political beliefs. So why mock someone for sending a child to "Socialist Sunday School" and let them off the hook for sending a child to religious Sunday school? Surely both are simply examples of parents attempting to pass along their own worldview to their children, to fix their beliefs before they are old enough to really think them through. The only real difference as far as I can see (and this is a perception unsupported by any hard numbers) is that kids are far more likely to change their political views as they mature than they are to reject their religious schooling?